About Us

About Us


Rohit Bhardwaj

About Me: I am a Computer Science Engineer working as a Technical Lead – Quality Engineer. I have a total of 8 years of experience in IT in different domains and have worked in 4 different companies on 6 different projects, Have experience in multiple domains including Energy & Utilities, Payment Systems, BFSI, and Logistics & Supply chain management etc.

My major in terms of my job is testing, But I am more interested in exploring all different kinds of technologies and love to experiment with different tools, softwares, and gadgets. So to delve deeper and explore my interests I thought of starting a blog. Hope I can do it right!!

I have about 2.5yrs of experience in Testing AI applications that included testing AI training systems and feedback loop testing which sparked my interest in the uses of AI in real world and AI in software testing domain in the form AI testing tools as well testing an AI application.

As of now, I am just exploring the AI landscape myself, so I thought of starting a blog as well, just to share what I learned from the journey and be able to get insights from other people who might be interested in this as well.

If you are interested in getting in touch with me, please connect with me on my LinkedIn profile below or just send me an email.