How to test web application manually? : A Quick Guide

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How to test web application manually?

Welcome to our in-depth guide on “How to test web application manually“. In the ever-evolving landscape of digital technology, ensuring the functionality and security of web applications is paramount. Manual testing remains a crucial aspect of this process, allowing testers to uncover nuanced issues that automated tools might overlook. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of manual testing, providing a comprehensive roadmap for ensuring the robustness of your web applications.

Understanding the Importance of Manual Testing

Unveiling Hidden Vulnerabilities

Manual testing serves as the vanguard in uncovering hidden vulnerabilities within web applications. While automated tools excel at repetitive tasks, human intuition and adaptability are invaluable when it comes to identifying complex security loopholes and potential exploits.

Ensuring User-Centric Functionality

User experience is at the forefront of web application success. Through manual testing, we can meticulously evaluate the user interface, navigation, and overall functionality to guarantee a seamless and satisfying experience for end-users.

How to test web application manually

The Step-by-Step Manual Testing Process : How to test a Web App

Now we will discuss the steps for manually testing taking a live example for Facebook Login Page for an example:

NOTE: Do Not perform these tests on Live Websites on the internet as this Might get your account blocked.

1. Requirement Analysis

Before embarking on the testing journey, a thorough understanding of the application’s requirements is paramount. This involves close collaboration with developers and stakeholders to establish a clear scope and expectations.

Example: So in the case of Facebook Login Page Lets see what should be the requirements:


  • Login Page should have two fields “Username” and “password” and a button to perform login action.
  • Along with this the page should show a “Forgotten password” link which should allow the users to reset their passwords in case they no longer remember it.
  • The page should also have a button to create a new account and also a link to create a page for Business/celebrities’ etc.

The above list is an example of how requirements are defined for a certain webpage. The reason we have this step is because to be able to test an application the tester needs to know two things: What the application is supposed to do? and What an application is not supposed to do? B

By knowing the requirements you will be able to answer these two questions and you will be able to perform the next step Test Planning.

How to test web application manually

2. Test Planning

Crafting a meticulous test plan is the foundation of effective manual testing. This document outlines the testing strategy, scope, resources, and timelines, ensuring a structured and organized approach to the testing process. A test Plan is essentially what defines “How to test web application manually“.

Example: The Test plan is the document that lists everything about how the Testing will be performed during the testing phase including the details about what to test?, How to test?, When to test? and where to test?. This means all details about the the AUT(Application Under Testing) and the tools and documents for testing etc. as well as the System environments and the roles and responsibility for every person involved in Testing.

You can find a Sample Test Plan here.

3. Test Case Design

Test case design is an art that requires attention to detail. Each test case should cover a specific aspect of the application’s functionality, ensuring comprehensive coverage. This phase involves creating detailed test scenarios and scripts for execution.

Example: Test case design is nothing but writing actual test cases. For this we will write some basic test cases just for showing how to write test cases.

Test Case IDTest Case DescriptionTest DataExpected ResultPriority
1.1Positive LoginValid Email/Phone + Valid PasswordSuccessful login and redirect to user’s profileHigh
1.2Positive LoginValid Username (alphanumeric) + Valid PasswordSuccessful login and redirect to user’s profileHigh
1.3Positive LoginEmail containing special characters + Valid PasswordSuccessful login and redirect to user’s profileMedium
1.4Positive LoginMinimum allowed username length + Valid PasswordSuccessful login and redirect to user’s profileMedium
1.5Positive LoginMinimum allowed password length + Valid PasswordSuccessful login and redirect to user’s profileMedium
1.6Positive LoginLogin with “Remember Me” checkedSession maintained across browser sessionsMedium
1.7Positive LoginLogin with social media account (if applicable)Successful login and redirect to user’s profileMedium
1.8Positive LoginLogin with two-factor authentication (MFA)Successful login after providing second verification factorMedium
1.9Positive LoginLogin with different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)Successful login on all browsersMedium
2.1Negative LoginInvalid Email/Phone format + Valid PasswordError message indicating invalid email/phone formatHigh
2.2Negative LoginNon-existent Email/Phone + Valid PasswordError message indicating invalid credentialsHigh
2.3Negative LoginValid Email/Phone + Incorrect PasswordError message indicating incorrect passwordHigh
2.4Negative LoginEmpty username/password fieldError message indicating missing credentialsMedium
2.5Negative LoginLogin with username exceeding maximum lengthError message indicating invalid username lengthMedium
2.6Negative LoginLogin with password exceeding maximum lengthError message indicating invalid password lengthMedium
2.7Negative LoginRepeated login attempts with invalid credentialsAccount locked or temporary blockMedium
2.8Negative LoginLogin with invalid CAPTCHA (if applicable)Error message indicating incorrect CAPTCHAMedium
3.1Password RecoveryValid Email/Phone for account recoveryEmail with password reset instructions sentHigh
3.2Password RecoveryNon-existent Email/Phone for account recoveryError message indicating invalid email/phoneHigh
3.3Password RecoveryInvalid format for password reset linkError message indicating invalid link formatMedium
3.4Password RecoveryReset password with new valid passwordSuccessful password reset and login with new passwordHigh
  • You can expand this table by adding additional columns like “Pre-conditions,” “Steps,” “Actual Result,” and “Pass/Fail.”
  • You can also categorize the test cases based on their functionality (e.g., login, password recovery, UI elements).
  • It’s important to use realistic and diverse test data to ensure comprehensive testing.
  • Consider accessibility and internationalization when writing test cases.
How to test web application manually

4. Test Execution

The heart of manual testing lies in the execution phase. Testers systematically run through each test case, meticulously documenting results, and identifying any deviations from expected behavior.

Example: Now to actually execute test cases usually the testers in an organisation have their own Environment “TEST Environment” where they actually perform testing as per the above mentioned test plan and test cases.

Execution: During execution you will open your Test Env URL and perform the above test cases one by one and record the results e.g. Login using correct username and password and you should be successfully Logged in to Facebook.

5. Defect Reporting

When issues are identified during testing, a robust defect reporting process comes into play. Clear, concise, and detailed reports empower developers to address and rectify issues promptly.

Example: In case the username and password you use have an account on the test environment but you still get some error message which you should not be the case this is considered a Defect because the app is supposed to allow you to login using correct credentials.

Another thing to understand people often get confused between Bug and Defect check the below analogy to understand it better

  • Bug: Imagine a typo in a recipe that makes the dish inedible. It’s a specific error that needs to be corrected.
  • Defect: Imagine the recipe itself being incomplete or lacking essential instructions. It’s a broader issue that affects the entire cooking process and needs to be addressed.

Best Practices for Efficient Manual Testing

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, staying abreast of new technologies, testing methodologies, and industry trends is non-negotiable. Continuous learning equips testers with the skills needed to adapt to changing requirements.

Collaboration and Communication

Effective collaboration between development and testing teams is pivotal. Transparent communication channels ensure that testing aligns with development goals, fostering a culture of collaboration that accelerates the testing process.


Mastering manual testing is an ongoing journey that requires a combination of technical expertise, creativity, and meticulous attention to detail. In this guide, we’ve explored the multifaceted aspects of manual testing, from its foundational principles to advanced techniques and best practices. By incorporating these insights into your testing process, you can elevate the quality and reliability of your web applications.

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